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Jumat, 02 Januari 2009



2 lb of beef,
20 pieces of shallots,
10 pieces of garlic,
150 gram red chili pepper,
50 gram ginger,
10 pieces of clove leaves,
60 gr kunyit,
300 gr candle nut,
5 helai salam,
8 cups of thick coconut milk,
8 cups of thin coconut milk.


  • Cut beef into several-bite sized pieces, and boil until half done
  • Skin shallots, garlic, and mix with chili, ...
  • Brown this spice mix for a few minutes
  • Boil beef and this spice mix in the thin coconut milk
  • Put in daun
  • Boil until dry
  • Add thick coconut milk, boil until coconut milk dries while mixing it occassionally

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